Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Accept Order? Why Not!

One day, Dinda, one of my niece told me that two of her friends love the bag that she wears at school. And they want to had a bag like that too. Wow! of course I was surprised and also happy. Dinda's bag was made by me that I gave as a gift for her a few days ago.

On another day, Erina (my daughter) said that her friend wanted a bag that she saw from my facebook album. Tote bags are the same as Dinda have.

Will I received 3 orders that bags? Hm.. Why not? I consider as a new challenge :D

Then I prepare a fabric shades of blue flowers that I had previously. I mix with a plain pink fabric.

And also I started calculating how much expenditure to make that tote bags, to determine the selling price. I give them cheap price, as the beginning step :)

Here is the result


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